Formation Vue 3


About this course

If you're looking to get started building full-stack applications with Vue 3 (or Vue 2) and Firebase, then look no further. In this course I'll take you from novice to Master in Vue JS 3, starting out with the very basics and then moving on towards creating fully-fledged Vue applications.

We'll spend a whole chapter learning about the Vue Router - and how to create SPA's (single page applications) using it - as well as exploring how to use the Vue CLI to get up and running quickly when creating slightly larger Vue applications.

We'll also dive deep into the newest features Vue 3 has to offer, including a lot about the Composition API & Composable Functions.

I'll also teach you how to use Firebase - an online & free service provided by Google which will act as a feature-rich back-end to our Vue applications. We'll learn how to use Firebase to store and retrieve real-time data to and from a NoSQL database called Firestore, as well as authenticate our app's users with the Firebase Auth service, We'll also take a peak at Firebase Storage (which will enable us to allow users to upload images on our Vue sites), as well as deploying all of our applications to Firebase hosting.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn how to create Vue 3 applications from the ground-up
  • Get in-depth knowledge of Vue features like the Vue Router, Vue CLI, Options API, Composition API, Teleport etc
  • Get hands-on & in-depth experience using the latest Vue 3 features (such as the Composition API)
  • Vuex State Management.
  • Learn how to use Firebase as a back-end to your Vue applications (as a database, authentication service, hosting etc)
  • Build & deploy 4 real-world web apps with Vue & Firebase
  • Learn how to implement an authentication system into your Vue js apps using Firebase Auth
  • Learn how to implement an authentication With JWT.
  • Become a Master in Vue 3.

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to create websites with Vue 3 & Firebase
  • Anyone who wants to learn Vue and Firebase
  • Anyone who wants to learn about Authentication in Vue apps
  • Anyone who wants to learn Vue from the ground up
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to use Firebase in their applications
  • Anyone who wants to learn Vuex State Managment
  • Anyone who wants to learn Authentication With Vue & JWT.